martes, 17 de mayo de 2011

Intel CEO: Big shift to mobile | Nanotech - The Circuits Blog - CNET News

SANTA CLARA, Calif.--CEO Paul Otellini said today that Intel is embarking on a big shift in focus, moving its center of gravity to the most power-efficient devices.

Intel executive VP David Perlmutter showed off a 7-inch 'reference design' tablet the company is showing to customers.

Intel executive VP David Perlmutter showed off a 7-inch 'reference

design' tablet the company is showing to customers.

(Credit: Brooke Crothers)

Otellini said that Intel, long the heavyweight in processors for PCs, will move its "center" from the power range--measured in wattage--of mainstream laptops to small mobile devices like ultraportable laptops, smartphones, and tablets, as well as devices such as smart TVs. Otellini was speaking at the Intel investor meeting at the company's headquarters here.

"We're shifting from 35-watt to 15-watt...the center is increasingly about ultramobility," said Otellini. "Every device has to be always on and always connected," he said. Today, a device with a 15-watt processor is typically an ultrathin laptop like the MacBook Air.

On the power efficiency front, as CNET reported earlier, Intel is developing a 22-nanometer "Silvermont" Atom chip architecture that will be followed by a 14-nanometer design dubbed "Airmont."

Devices using those chips and more mainstream Intel processors will be always connected, Otellini said, alluding to smartphones.

He also addressed tablets--a hot topic. "We're on track for 35 designs [tablets]...Android, [Intel's] MeeGo," he said. "The tablet race is nowhere near finished. It's not just about tablets but about convertibles [that is, notebook-tablet hybrids]. There's going to be a lot of experimentation [over the next few years]."

He had less to say about smartphones. "No big announcement from Intel on smartphones today," he said. "Phones in first part of next area of intense focus for us." Those phones will be based Intel's "Medfield" Atom processor.

One industry source familiar with Intel's smart phone plans said he had expected Intel to make a smartphone announcement and that the lack of any near-term specifics was "a disappointment."

Otellini added that Intel is shopping the Nokia smartphone "reference design"--a prototype that Intel uses as a vehicle for new chips--to several customers, after its relationship with the handset maker fell apart because of Nokia's newly formed partnership with Microsoft.

Intel Executive Vice President David "Dadi" Perlmutter showed two new reference designs. One was a smartphone, the other a 7-inch tablet. Both devices that Perlmutter showed were thin.

Though exact dimensions were not disclosed, they were both as thin as the thinnest smartphones and tablets currently on the market.

The challenge for Intel is to get these slick designs converted into real products that consumers want and buy.

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