martes, 24 de enero de 2012

Apple's First Quarter Earnings: The Unbelievable Numbers

Apple's First Quarter Earnings: The Unbelievable Numbers:

Apple‘s blowout first quarter was notable for many reasons, not least of which was the company’s record revenues of $46.3 billion.

But the quarter was remarkable for several other reasons as well. Apple, which is known for keeping its affairs close to the vest, released a raft of information on Tuesday. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Apple sold 37 million iPhones in the quarter, a 128% jump over the comparable quarter in 2010.
  • iPad sales hit 15.4 million, a rise of 111%.
  • Mac sales were 5.2 million, an increase of 26%.
  • Apple sold 15.4 million iPods, a number which is down 21% as the iPhone cannibalizes sales of more limited-function devices.
  • Apple now has $97.6 billion in cash on hand.
  • Revenues from iTunes hit $1.7 billion. More than 140 million apps and pieces of content were downloaded on Dec. 25.
  • There are 1.5 million iPads being used by educational institutions.
  • iCloud has 85 million users. There are now 550,000 apps available. Developers of such apps have earned more than $4 billion, $700 million in Q1.
  • Apple Stores produced $6.1 billion in revenues for the quarter. The average revenue per store was $17.1 million vs. $12 million last year. There are about 22,000 visitors per store per week.
  • Apple’s revenues for the quarter were higher than the company’s revenues for its entire fiscal 2009.

Image courtesy of Flickr, nechbi

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